Tuesday, April 8, 2008

g...I won!

I've entered the giveaway at mod*mom and actually won! Yeah! ... and since I'm almost done with diapers (can't wait) I'm giving it to my sister who is expecting in early May. g diapers are wonderful! Let me sum up why:
• Biodegradable (for the happy planet!)
Flushable (for the less smelly house!)
Breathable (for a happy baby!)
No Disney characters on the front (for a happy mommy!)
Affordable (everybody's happy!)


  1. I'll keep this in mind when I become a mom (not anytime soon, a newlywed still!)...I especially like the flushable diaper option!

  2. My sister's having a baby, who we call Lima Bean for the moment. This could prove a worthy gift!
