Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lil' Giveaway!

Got a few copies of a cute Quiz Book Who R U? in the mail today! Did illustrations for it a little while ago... and here's the finished product! Best part of the project.... getting that little package and seeing the end result. I think it looks super fun!
It's a book of quizzes for young girls. So, if you have a young daughter or want one just because - leave me a comment and I'll announce a winner on Tuesday morning, July 29th!
I'm under a blanket of due dates at the moment... so, see you all Monday:)


  1. Lovely, as usual! Thank you!

  2. Your designs are just stunning! I love them! Thank you for the chance!! Cute books!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  3. I don't have a daughter, but I know just the girl for this!

  4. Looks like a lot of fun! I just *adore* your illustrations.

  5. oh, what a neat book! great gifts for my many nieces :) i've got a little giveaway on my site too... swing by when you get out from under your inbox. :)

  6. adorable book! hope you make it through all your deadlines easily and have a great weekend!

    I work with junior high girls at church and would love this book to share with them!

  7. Gorgeous illustrations!

    This will be a perfect book for my little one. :)

  8. both lily + i would get a kick out of this one!
    + bonus it has been illustrated by u!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. your illustrations are fabulous!
    Thanks for a fun giveaway!!
    *crosses fingers*

  11. Look at your happy dachshund! Hurrah! Hope you have a great few days and see ya Monday!

  12. I love illustrations(yours :) and I love books so please pick me :)


  13. You are extremely talented, and I really enjoy your work!

  14. I am a Girl Guide leader and am always looking for things like this. Why is that 10-14 year old girls love quizzes. Maybe it is because they are trying to work out who they are. I've never thought of it like that before. Interesting thought.

  15. The 3 girls (OK, 4) would love to win one!

  16. How fun is that? I'd love to do the quizzes with my daughter!

  17. It looks so fun ... perfect for my niece ... thanks for the chance to win.

  18. I have two girls, 13 and 11, who'd just think that book was so cool! Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. I would love to have a book with your illustrations. Count me in!

  20. Such eyecandy! I think I need sunglasses! My daughter, being the girly girl that she is, would love that darling book for sure!

  21. My daughter - a 14 year old who wants to be an illustrator and graphic designer - discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago, and is a big fan. She'd love a book with your illustrations. Thanks for sharing your treasures.

  22. Ahhh look at your beautiful Sausage Dog!!
    Love Love Love it!!

  23. in a house full of daughter would love this book!! your artwork puts a smile on my face, thanks for the giveaway

  24. oh...i have a daughter and 4 nieces! i love your illos. so
    brite cheery and happy.

    good luck with the deadlines.
    thanks for the giveaway!

  25. This is great! I've got a 5 yr daughter who really knows who she is and what she wants. I only hope this stays true as she grows up. No doubt a book like this would help keep her in touch with herself!

    Oh, and I bet grown up girls might benefit too...

  26. Sweet! I believe my little niece would LOVE that book! ♥

  27. Pick me!! I would love to give one to my niece!!

  28. Adorable!!! Yay for the giveaway! :)

  29. This looks like so much fun! Thank you for the chance to win!

  30. It's lovely. I have a nieces birthday coming up who would love it.

  31. I have two little boys but I have one niece! I'd love to have a copy. It's fantastic.

  32. your Coffee With My Owl print hangs above my sewing table and reminds me to stop for a break every now and then - I bought it as it reminds me of our stove-top coffee maker which we have only recently mastered! As I was sewing one evening my daughter tied my hair up into two piggy-tail buns and said 'look mum, that's you in the picture drinking coffee with Caesar (our Jack Russell)- wish I'd taken a photo now but I didn't even dare look in the mirror - it's been a long, long time since I was in piggy-tails! anyway, love your work!

  33. Helen, it looks great... I would have loved this when I was a teen...

  34. Those are adorable! I have three girls at home that would certainly be fighting over that.

  35. I have 3 girls, and this looks like so much fun!

  36. H Helen,
    Great blog and art work!! Love your colours. This would be great for me and my daugheter to do together. Ta

  37. Oh wow, you are so kind to give these away...
    I don't have a daughter but I am very close to my friends little girl and we would have such fun doing this. Plus it's her birthday soon and an extra gift never hurt anyone...

  38. Enjoy your work. Would be fabulous to be part of the giveaway!

  39. Yes please! Your illustratons are all lovely! :)

  40. Love your illos! Add me to the list.

  41. Oooh! I have a daughter and 4 little nieces...ALL of them would love this book :)

    (Well, my daughter is only 2, but SOMEDAY she would love this book ;) )

    Thanks for the chance!

  42. I know who I'd give it to, but I may hog it a bit before I give it to her.

  43. Okay, my daughter's 11th birthday just happens to be tomorrow, July 29th! A perfect gift it would be! She and her friends love a good quiz (who doesn't?) and as the daughter of an illustrator, she appreciates a well illustrated book!

  44. What a great giveaway--that book looks like fun! My daughter would enjoy it :)

  45. It would be great to have such a wonderful book! Do you know where can we buy this book?
    BTW your dachshund with its pink ear is awesome.

  46. Well, I'm sure everyone's said it. I would also LOVE to win. Thanks!
