Friday, August 22, 2008

change of address card:)

I've made this change of address card for a lady who has moved with her 3 boys and a husband to Paris. The new address was written in the clouds, but I took it off for the blog entry.
It turned out really fun! I'd like to move to Paris for a week or two myself. I'll keep on dreaming... for now:)


  1. Wow! Makes me want to move. And I totally HATE moving.

    If you ever want to design a blog header, let me know…

  2. J'adore!
    i could seriously go to Paris right now.

  3. OOOHHH, I love that! What a great card!

  4. hello! this may be my first time commenting...but i have been a avid reader of your blog for a while!! I LOVE THIS! the color of the sky is just perfect (it may even be my favorite color!) and the entire theme is delightful!! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the inspiration! Being an illustrator with 2 kids is challenging enough...I am inspired though, knowing you have 3!!! Thanks!

    sarah jane

  5. oh, that is too darling! what a great friend you are...

  6. this turned out so great! I love it.

  7. Helen. You amaze me.
    Okay, I have to ask... paper or PC? Mac? Illustrator?

    I'm a graphic designer, and doodler at best. Your work makes me sweat and smile at the same time.

    Love that you are in my town. We are so lucky to have you. You make Ottawa a whole lot "kewl"er ;)

    PS: How's your little birdie tile? Is she hanging sweetly on a wall yet?

  8. Oooo! so happy you like this card:)!

    Kim... It wasn't for a friend... it was for a client.
    I wish I had friend in Paris, though, so I could come and visit!

    Joe, thank you so much for that spoon full of sugar:)
    I work on a Mac (my little apple friend) and use Photoshop & Illustrator (the Adobe twins).
    The little tile is sitting on a shelve in my office... awaiting its time:)

  9. This has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen! I can barely peel my eyes away to type this! If this were a cartoon I would watch it every week!

  10. Oh wow.....very very creative and pretty too!!!!

  11. Awwww...that's so cute and adorable. I love it.

  12. I love the card! It makes the moving thing happy! I would love to move to Paris too! but only for a few weeks.

  13. LOVE the card - so cute!! As for Paris, I'm headed that way in 2 weeks - ooh la la! :D


  14. To my mind one and all must browse on it.
