Tuesday, August 12, 2008

lil tiny tile dilemma...

I found this little 70th Japanese bird tile on Etsy (fox & found), and had to have it! It just makes me happy to look at it! 
Now that it has arrived (just as pretty as I've hoped), I want to display it, but I can't think of a way to frame it. If you have any advise for me ... do share:) I would really appreciate it.


  1. The Ribba 9x9 frame at IKEA would be a perfect size and I believe you can use it as a shadow box.
    Cute tile! I can see why you like it.

  2. Maybe you could find a little tiny easel to display it on :)

  3. Should I glue it onto the easel or wood with hot glue?

  4. Glue would make me nervous; I wouldn't want to damage the tile. Depending on how heavy the tile is, you might try double-sided tape to hold it in place, or maybe that tacky, gummy stuff you can use to hang posters on the wall.

  5. Such a cute tile! Can't you just leave it on the blackboard like that?

  6. Such a cute tile!! I love the easel idea!! They sell tiny easels at Dick Blick online http://www.dickblick.com/zz071/47/


  7. Sweet! I say leave it au naturel... hang it with a plate hanger on the wall, or prop it up on a shelf or ledge.

    Love the Charlie + Lola mug too... One of those fab kid’s shows I catch myself watching even when the kids aren’t around!


  8. If you want to go totally over board, you could buy a garden stepping stone kit from Michaels and make a bigger art work with it. You might have the how to hang it dilemma still though. :) And it would be heavy. Lean it against a wall somewhere...

    Or just frame it in a shadowbox like everyone else is saying. :)

  9. I think I'm going to hand it with a plate hanger:)
    That's seems best. The shadow box sounds good, but I'm afraid it would be too much. I really do like the simple solution best:)
    Thank you all so very very much! h:)

  10. Oooh, just found your latest purchase. How fabulous - lucky girl! Yeah, go simple. I've got two Rob Ryan tiles and I've got them propped against the window sill (with a blob of bluetac at the back for extra security). xx
