Monday, September 29, 2008


Yep, I'm still on the all things kitchen roll:) I'm not a big cook (by any stretch), but I sure like the presentation part. I think this new pattern of mine could be an oil cloth, and then I could line my kitchen drawers with it or put it on a picnic table as a table cloth or make lunch bags with it:) ...big plans:)


  1. very fun!! I love the fish in the design, they are soo funky. I love to cook and am pretty good at it which is a problem when you are trying to loose weight! I must not eat my creations!!

    Happy Monday, I hope you are dry today? We are drying up after a full weekend of tons of rain.

    Okay back to work, while you are thinking kitchen, I am designing Holiday!! Funny.

  2. so deliciously lovely. i love the purple/orange + the pink background!

  3. All of your patterns are so bright and fun, I love them!!

  4. You are so prolific...puts me to shame!

  5. My hubby and I just signed the papers for our new house and we should be getting the keys to them in another 2-3months (depending on paper work and loan approvals). I am already thinking of how the house will be and how wonderful it would be if my kitchen drawers are lined with your olive design in light blue!!! a ready buyer here, amongst many!

  6. Very beautiful!!! I love the blue background and the little fishies!

  7. Im a great olive fan and Just love these. Your work is amazing.

  8. i continuely drool over your color palette. i love it!
