Monday, November 10, 2008

party aftermath...

Yesterday was one of these super days! I hosted a party for a small army of 5 years olds. They made me glad I've stopped at 3:) I'm posting a picture of what happened to the pink pony pinata. Not being a fan of that type of girlie, fluffy stuff, I secretly enjoyed watching the kids hit it with a stick with all their adorable 5 y.o. might:) I'm sinister like that:)
In the evening, to celebrate my father's 55th BIRTHDAY - my entire family went to see SPAMELOT (the musical) in NAC! It was a first for me... and I must say - I HAD A BLAST! I went to bed in an ungodly hour ...  and fell into a black hole.
Needless to say, today I'm operating on sheer will power. 


  1. I really love the way you capture a photo and then doodle to frame it and address its importance. Are you a scrapbooker? Or, is this your way of preserving those adorable memories? Love your style.

  2. LOL!!!!! That is hilarious! Love it!~~~XXOO, Beth
