Monday, May 25, 2009

pattern preserve...

When I was a kid , me and my mom used to go for a mushroom picking expeditions in the forrest near by (in Siberia). Mom would make preserves with the mushrooms... I'd watch... Mmm... the earthie fresh smell of the forrest.
I haven't had a pickled mushroom in 20 years. They completely lost their appeal during my first pregnancy, and have never regained my trust since then. However, I would like to share the picking experience with my daughters. Maybe strawberries? Or apples?:)
This pattern is about picking mushrooms after the rain.


  1. it is delectable! i like the lighter grey background.

  2. I love your designs Helen. Everyone is a winner!

  3. these are so awesome.
    I have fond memories too, we called it "mushroom hunting" as if the mushrooms could run away. They were very good at hiding though. We picked mostly morels.

  4. Cu-u-ute pattern! I used to go mushroom picking with my mom too. In Finland. :) Loved it. I never ate the mushrooms though. Just loved looking for them. We picked berries too in the fall: blueberries, lingonberries...

  5. Mushroom hunting... ha ha:)
    I just realized I don't even know the names of the mushrooms in English. Something I got to look up:)
    We used to pick blueberry also. Although it was so much work for so little ... the blueberries were so tiny.

  6. SO lovely...I really hope one day I can buy a whole book full of your gorgeous work :) xx

  7. Tu blog es Fantastic!!!! te felicito tanto. Ya te tengo en mis favoritos. Te visitare seguido.

  8. I have always HATED to eat mushrooms and I put it down to subconscious memories of my parents picking mushrooms in my early years and my older sister (at the age of 3 or 4) being trained to phone 999 and tell the paramedics that her mummy and daddy had picked and eaten some wild mushrooms... It is more like a phobia of mushrooms than a dislike... Still love your pattern though :)

  9. I LOVE this pattern (and I love mushrooms)!
