Friday, June 12, 2009

bookplates... for you!

Let's have a 'my blog readers appreciation day' and celebrate it with a set of 'free for you' bookplates! Why not?:)

There are so many things you could do with these. Give them to your kid's teachers, add them to loot-bags, use them as a bookmark....etc.,

I use them in my ever-growing collection of unique and interesting vintage books.

To copy: click on the image - it will open up in its own window at a high resolution (300dpi-true size). Copy that to your desktop and feel free to use:) You could make them smaller if you'd like.


  1. How fantastic - thankyou for sharing these - I am a huge fan of your work, Im currently in the process of trying to create some pattern and illustration work myself and you are a huge inspiration - think Ive got a long way to go before I can create lovely things like this though!

  2. Thank you so much :) I love your work and these will be so cute in my daughters books.

  3. Thank you for sharing! I'm a fan of your work :) I'll print these out on sticker paper and stick it on my stuff... not just on books! (I'll change the word "book" to "printer", "wall", "tablet", "shelf"... LOL :)

    Thanks! :)

  4. these are such sweet labels Helen, love them!

  5. How beautiful! Thanks for this!! :) Silke

  6. This came at a perfect time. We just got 36 "new" old books from family. :) Thaaaa-a-anx! :)

  7. Thanks so much for the little treat! I adore them!

  8. What a lovely gift! I, too, am a big fan of your work. I like your idea of giving these to teachers! I think my daughters will love sticking these in their books. Looks like I have a lot of printing to do! Thanks!

  9. Thank you SO much! These are adorable! I'll be linking.

  10. your colors are wonderful( I don't have a printer but still love them)

  11. Ey! I like you style!! I`m a new fan of your work!!

    Saludos desde México!!

  12. so sweet! thanks a ba-zillion. i adore their dear expressions of reading contentment. my little bookworms (and me, too!) will enjoy pasting these into our favorite books. thank again! cheers :D

  13. Wow! Thank you so much. These are so sweet. Can't wait to stick them in my books.

  14. these are absolutely adorable! TFS!

  15. Guess whats going into the loot bags for my daughters Birthday party this weekend???? :)

  16. I LOVE them!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing!!!


  17. Gosh - are you doing all of that detailing with the pen tool?! Ouch. My wrists wouldn't let me get away with that. And all of the borders are different! I know they're mirrored, but still...

    Very groovy and fun.

  18. I am a huge fan of vintage bookplates!
    Yours are super sweet, thank you for passing this along!

  19. My word, these are gorgeous. Very generous of you, thank you.

  20. These are sooooo gorgeous! I love following your blog and your illustrations really inspire me to be spend more time on my creativity. It so lovely and generous of you to share these delights with your readers.

  21. merci merci, c'est super!! it's great!!Thank you so much!!

  22. this is so great! yesterday I went shopping and saw SO MANY greetings cards by you in SO MANY different shops! I must say, it made me really happy seeing your illustrations everywhere...

  23. These are so gorgeous, thank you!

  24. yummilicious! thanks so much for the bookplates!

  25. Ah Thanx these are gorgeous my kids will love them!

  26. These are gorgeous! Thanks so much! My two year daughter has a HUGE collection of books and these will be a beautiful addition to them!

  27. Amazing! I love them! Thank you.

  28. Thank you SO much! i, like so many others, am a huge fan of your art! You are very lucky to have SO much wonderful talent!!

  29. just found your blog today!!! I love your artwork- its fantastic!

  30. I love them! Thank you so much!

  31. Awesome, I like your illustrations! Thanks for sharing.

  32. So cute! Your illustrations are adorable. Thanks for sharing. SAM

  33. Thanks, linked to these!

    Jess from How About Orange

  34. I love these. I hopped over via How About Orange.

    I feel like a dummy because I am not sure how to get these on my desktop and smaller...

    Anybody here who can help? I'm on a Mac.

  35. Dear twobadmice:)
    1. Click on the bookplate.
    2. It will open in it's own window.
    3. Hold Control key while clicking on the image.
    4. Find it on your desktop.
    5. Open in photoshop.
    6. Image.... Size... whatever makes it good for you:)

    Hope this helps.

  36. Super adorable! I just linked to this from my own blog (hope you don't mind -- my readers will LOVE these!) -- LOVE the wonderful illustrations!

  37. Thank you very much!! There are 3 children over here very busy writing and sticking them in books, at the moment..

  38. Thanks so much! This is great. I heart book plates major. xx

  39. So incredible!!! my mum will love it!!!

  40. These are great! Thank you so much!

  41. How absolutely sugar on top of my captain crunch super duper terrific! THANKS!

  42. Thanks, these are very very nice!!!
    You blog is amazing!

  43. These are gorgeous! Thankyou for your generosity - they will be adorning my books in the blink of an eye. You are so talented :0)

  44. Thank you, Helen, for sharing these! I copied them for my son. He's only 15 months but it gives me time to buy a color printer and then get them in his books!

    Thank you so much - how thoughtful of you to share.

  45. Thank you for sharing the book plates. It was a generous gesture. Have a great Summer!!!

  46. I'm just catching up on my blog reading and found these. Thank you so much! They're beautiful. :)

  47. Hello !

    Sorry for my english that is not good, I'm a french woman who really loves your illustrations !
    I've got a question about your bookplates... Can I use one to display the name of my blog on my banner ? Of course I will explain on my blog that the pictures is from your blog and I will put a link to your blog !
    Thanks to tell me if it is possible...

    Sandrine !

  48. Thank you thank you! Love your work. What a fantastic idea as a gift for teachers. My daughter's will love having these on their books too. =)

  49. thanks for sharing this!!!!
    it's so cute =)

  50. Thank you! These are fantastic & this is very generous of you.

  51. Thanks for the freebies. So cute.

  52. Thank you for the lovely designs, Helen. These will be great additions to my ever expanding library :)

  53. Thank you. So very cute. My daughter will love these.

  54. This blog is absolutely interesting!! I usually like to use orange juice in every thing. The orange have many properties, vitamin and antioxidats. This is the main reason why i consume a lot. Actually now, that my husband buy viagra i prepare for him recipe who contain many vitamin.

  55. I love these staff!! thanks for shaing!c

  56. Love these I'm going to do a back to school post and was wondering if I could include these with a link to your site with the download? Thank you!!

  57. Recently discovered you via Running with Glitter and love your work! Thanks so much for sharing these - I'll be pointing my readers your way soon.

  58. very nice collection over there.

  59. A bookplate is a sticky label-type thing that you stick in your book, if you want the book signed, but a) can’t make it to a signing appearance, b) don’t want to order a new signed book (if you do want to order a signed book.

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