Friday, January 22, 2010

after midnight...

After midnight ... I work better. I get my second creative wind. I get the owl eye and the much needed focus. The power of evil procrastination loosens its grip...
I love working after midnight. Now... if only I could convince the world to switch to my schedule:)


  1. I love these funny onion people! I think they visit the same stylist as my latest purple haired creation

  2. I am glad to know there are others out there like me. It seems like 11 pm or so comes around, and I am just getting started. I love late nights when the house is quite, the kids are in bed, and it is just me and my imagination.

    You are amazing and such an inspiration!

  3. It seems very organic to me, i love the first color choice, and yes that hour is definitely the magic component for special things to happen!

  4. I don't think you'd be happy if everyone adjusted to that schedule though...I know I wouldn't be...I think part of the "high" of working that late is that no one else is. You know that a good portion of the world is asleep and you won't be disturbed. i almost feel like I'm being sneaky when I work that late, like I'm putting something over on everyone.

    VERY cool patterns, BTW...

  5. I always notice inspiration comes late at night when all are asleep, but I always pay for it in the morning.

  6. That is how I like to work too. It's true, the second wind does come then! Just too tired these days....
    Love the pattern. Love ALL your patterns. :D

  7. yeah!it's so really cool in night.I must say I enjoyed your blogs and the sites you've designed. Their wonderful sites. I can tell that because I am a digital illustration and I know what's good and bad craft.

  8. I am always up til around 2am- late night working= peaceful working with no kids and husband around to interrupt me!!

  9. we love all your patterns and drawings. my daughter caroline (my creative partner in our etsy shop, fergusandme) is reading "Camille McPhee fell under the bus" by Kristen Tracy, and we loved the cover art, which looked so much like your work -- we're wondering if you did it, and if so, congrats -- it's very cool. thx! lynn-anne

  10. I hope I have the right person, I don't see mention of your book on this blog or main website..but maybe I missed it.
    We are a homeschooling family, and I have a regular feature called Book Sharing Monday, and today we talked about "embroidery for little miss crafty". here is the post:

  11. i totally agree.....there is something good about that moonlight glow.

  12. Thanks guys!
    And... I'm happy to see that I'm not the only 'owl':)

  13. Ooooh, those prints are looovely!! And...ME TOO, ME TOO...I am a night owl! I get the most done 'after hours' when the kiddos and the man are snoozin.' No interruptions = more production and lots of creative juices flowin,' tee hee.

    I just found your blog and it's way cute and uber inspiring...thank you!

    Jamie :)

  14. Oh wow, these prints are just gorgeous...I'm smitten. I love the colors you use and the designs. I can't believe these came out after midnight...impressive :)!

  15. Your prints are beautiful, unique, fun and full of imagination. And on the subject of working after midnight... I'm like that too. And by look of all the comments it looks like there are enough of us to convince the rest of the world.
