Thursday, February 4, 2010

bright side of February...

It is hard to love February.  It is hard to live through February (here at the north side of things)... but, it has one thing going for it - a little love fest! Hope that thought keeps you warm:)


  1. love this happy print...great! :D

  2. I looove your work Helen. Just wanted to let you see how I use some of your prints in my appartment

  3. love all around... i love your love, happy, dance girl!

  4. and over here in Sydney Australia we are sweltering through soupy, sweaty days. I agree, it's hard to love February. I wish both mine and my son's birthdays didn't fall in Feb :(

  5. Just incredible. What a happy dancer. Here in NOva Scotia I am finding the intense bright days are helping me survive February. Good thing it's short.

  6. Thank you for remind me to dance in february. You're right...february is hard to live. But I will dance.

  7. your'e right about February. I was once invited for dinner with a club that meets every year in Feb and neves says the name of the month until after a small ceremony, and some reading from Machbeth. After that the curse of February is lifted.

  8. This cannot have effect as a matter of fact, that is what I suppose.
