Tuesday, March 23, 2010

sunshine hopes...

I love spring... because after spring comes summer... well, and because the flowers and the birds really help to 'shoosh' away the blues:) There's a lot of grey and brown outside my window today, so I added it in. And the yellow... that's so more sunshine comes my way. Some sacrifice goats to please the weather maker... I make patterns:)


  1. I go here from time to time ... I like the vintage spirit of your work. But this one is my favorite! Colors, patterns that are reminiscent of hot air balloons, fireworks ... a concentrate of fine weather to come!

  2. First time visiting your blog. Love your illustrations. Sooo talented! C

  3. Helen you have such a beautiful style of illustration...so contemporary but takes me back to all the visuals I remember & love from my 1970's childhood.
    Gorgeous colourways.
    Don't ever stop what you do!!

  4. i love your new patterns. it reminds me of organic meets hot air balloons!

  5. hi helen...I really love your pattern in robin's egg blue :)

  6. It was a gray and chilly day here in Atlanta, GA too. Love the new patterns! :-)

  7. ooooh how pretty :D I love the orange and the pink ones especially! x

  8. you orange me lucky with these spring illustrations!

  9. these would make great wallpapers, pillows, stationaries, etc. they're so great and applicable! :)

  10. Olá,
    Estou no ultimo ano do curso de Design Gráfico, e fiquei encantada com o seu blog. É apaixonante e inspirador!

    Jéssica Targa - Brasil.

  11. Today I was in a little boutique and I found a bag with one of your prints and I ran my hand over it and I felt so very very jealous of your amazing talent. YOu seem to be able to consistantly pour out new designs. Oh to be you for a day!

  12. I love the bird patterns. I'm sure you talk about this in your blog somewhere, but who do you sell most of your patterns to? I mean, what are they used for?

  13. love your blog I blogged about your blog on my blog.. wow.. say that 5 times fast.. I really enjoyed my visit look forward to your next post

  14. Wow Helen, I love all your work but I think those birds and flowers are my favourite ever. If it OK if I feature them on Sewn next week?

  15. I am absolutely in love with your work, it's truly wonderful and whimsical and so so beautiful! Bravo!

  16. Valerie: most of the patterns I do are personal work and are available to license, but I've done work for different product surfaces- bags, fabrics, bottles, window shades, stationery & books.

    Thanks for all the love, guys:) Really lifts the spirits!

  17. i want a (spring)dress in this pattern :)
