Sunday, April 11, 2010

letting the dogs out...

I've had planned a completely different entry today.... but changed my mind in the last minute, and decided to let the dogs out ('cause it's my birthday and I'll do what I wanna...:) Look how exited they are being out in the open.


  1. I like these little dogs with their coat...

  2. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day. I just adore all of your work. Will these be scrapbook paper or fabric? Where can I get some?

  3. lovely stuff as always! Sausage dogs are super awesome!

  4. Happy birthday! I hope it's full of treats!

  5. You know, today is a popular birthday ... my littlest girl, Addison, turns 4 years old today. Enjoy your day ... Addie is having pink flower cupcakes and I hope you have something equally as yummy.
    And, I love your doggies, too!

  6. Happy birthday H!
    hope you're having lots of fun (in the sunshine) with lots of treats! these dogs are such fun, i love the multi colors on the brown and white background.

  7. Aww happy little sausage dog friends - so cute! I love all the colourways - can't decide on a favourite. Happy birthday!

  8. would you believe this is my absolute favourite illustration from you yet?! The top one with the green dog in the green argyle sweater makes me swoon and melt. Are you sure it's your birthday and not mine?

    happy birthday!

  9. happy birthday! those dogs are adorable!

  10. Cute! The 3rd one down is my fav. I hope your b-day cake was delicious, because that's the most important thing!

  11. cute as a button! Awww, makes me want to go cuddle my dog. Keep up the great work x

  12. What a happy print! It looks fabulous in each color way. You do color *so* well.

  13. Hi Helen, I hope you had an awesome birthday with lots cake and laughter... maybe some champagne. I love the illustration - especially the bright dogs on white. xx adri

  14. happy birthday! I love the little doggies...

  15. Happy birthday Helen - two of my favourite things toether, sausage dogs and your prints!!

  16. Happy Birthday Helen you design genius you.Have a great day!
    I love the colourway with the light grey background.

  17. uh, happy birthday!!! I love love love the new pattern!!!
    I did a sausage dog pprint myself, but yours is way better :)
    greetings from Berlin..

  18. Happy Birthday! This print is so fun. I love all their little jackets. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  19. yay! happy birthday helen! hope you have a great day :)

  20. Thanks guys!!! So happy to wake up to all these comments:) I had a great birthday... and the cake was unbelievable! My mom makes 'Napoleon' cake that would blow anyone away! 27 layers of crack.... I mean cream:)

  21. Muy feliz cumpleaños Hellen!!!

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- I hope all of your wishes come true! Love the dogs!

  23. Happy Birthday!!! I love these, especially the fall palette on gray. Such happy little doxies. :)

  24. Happy Birthday, Your illustration are realy wonderfull. I'am just started blogging and I'm glad I found your blog. Going to follow you. Very inspiring.
    Regards, Petra (Holland)

  25. Wow! Would love all these versions in fabric!

  26. This is great as placemats too!

    Happy Birthday... wish you more great year to come

  27. Happy Birthday!
    My mum loves sausage dogs..will have to show her your work!

  28. I'm late but Happy Birthday!!
    I love the doggies!!

  29. Happy Belated Birthday wishes!!!!

  30. Happy belated birthday! I absolutely adore these doggies. I really want you to make fabric... these would be so much fun on fabric!!!

  31. Okay, first Happy belated Birthday! Second love all your work, but these wienies are THE cutest. I have a wienie and am wondering if this is destined to be fabric and if so how do I get my hands on some of it?
    Thanks so much!
