Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I want to join...

Today was Mike's birthday. Hooray!!! A good day to celebrate and become a member of the ZISSOU SOCIETY... don't you think? I got him these team Zissou adidas runners - to make it official. Now we have to move closer to the ocean and buy a submarine... or maybe, we'll just watch 'Life Aquatic' a few more times...:)


  1. Happy Birthday Mike!!

    I haven't watched it in a year. I'm due! I need a pair of these babies to wear while I watch. There. Purchase justified.

  2. Happy Birthday! I love that movie, and your drawing is perfect Helen!

  3. Okay seriously. I am dying. My husband would kill for those shoes. I didn't know they existed. I just went a ordered him some!

    THANKS for the tip!

  4. I vote for buying the submarine... as long as it has a deck for umbrellas and barbeques. xx

  5. eeeeeh - I love this movies :] how wonderful is that birthday present?! didn't even know you could buy them - must share where you got 'em :]

  6. where did you get them? my husband would LOVE them!!

  7. I got them on e-Bay:) There is no official adidas team zissou shoes... but a few people customize the existing adidas shoes.

  8. The Life Aquatic is one of my favorite movies! I love your illustration :)

  9. omgsh i love the illustration! my first chihuahua was named zissou! lol most people didn't get it.

  10. Fantastic illustration of Bill! : )

  11. these are amazing... hope you had a great bday Mike.
    i love your rendition of one of my fav actors.

  12. Next you should get him the Vostok Amphibian watch that Team Zissou wears!

  13. Thank you Mr. Anonymous:)
    I'm on it like bees on honey!

  14. oh my! A pair of Zissou's Adidas! I'm drooling to have one. I love every detail in Life Aquatic :)

  15. where did you get them? I LOVE them!!!!!!

    I love Life Aquatic!!!!!!!! I'm a fan of Steve Zissou : )
