Thursday, August 26, 2010

folk bliss...

Good to be back:) I've been away in the land of 'working without breaks' and the blog (and many other things) has been simmering on the back burner. Trying to finish all the projects before the 31st - which is the day I leave to San Francisco for a tiny 4 day vacation! Super exited about that... dizzy with anticipation! If you know of some exiting places in SF I can visit - please share!:)
What do you think of the new pattern? I've been thinking of Upper Canada Village while making it. Mike (my other creative half) has been invited to present (his guitars and his process) there in October. I might come with him... a taste of the simpler life.


  1. Nice to see you back Helen! I love this. So busy and vibrant. It's really hard to pick a favorite colour combo. They're all winners.

  2. Such a fun, happy pattern. i love the pink background the best, and the comment before mine is hilarious!
    missed you.

  3. I love these patterns! The boy and girl are so neat!

  4. I love the patterns! Wonderful colors!

  5. These patterns are so wonderful! If they were fabrics I'd simply have to have them!!!

  6. Enjoy your time in SF. Maybe I'll run into you! If you have a chance, try out Park Chow, Bi-rite Creamery, Peapod fabrics, farmer's market at the Ferry Building on Saturday morning (the pork sandwiches at roli roti - an outside truck).

  7. Love your art! Enjoy SF. Pretty sure you'll want to take in the de Young Museum and stroll around GG park in lovely flowers & ponds full of water birds. Take elevator to the 360 degree look-out in the de Young. What a view! SF restaurants are fabulous. Public transportation makes SF easy to see.
    Have a great vacation. And keep sharing your fun illustration with us!

  8. Thanks Guys!
    Abz:)... I'm still smiling:)
    Jackie & eyecontact... Huge thanks for the SF tips:) I'm putting these on my list and will definitely visit.

  9. Goats! wearing sweaters!!!! and SOCKS!!!

  10. Hi,
    I m a old French stylish, i live in Toulouse (France), i love your patern, i have see in a shop in Toulouse a dress with your patern, do you work with a shop in Toulouse ?
    Have a very nice day

  11. awww, I LOVE these bunnies and the little sheep on the brown and yellow background!! LOVE!

  12. I think every person should glance at this.
