Thursday, December 16, 2010

botanical explosion...

I always seem to work on spring projects in the beginning of winter and summer projects in the beginning of spring. It helps me not to think of the white winter land outside my window. I love the holidays and watching kids having snow ball fights... but the darkness and the cold - not my favourite. Living in Canada doesn't help. I know I'll be looking at the snow until the end of April... and so, whenever I can - I escape into the flowery spring - at least mentally:)
Here's the result of the last escape - a botanical explosion:) Hope it warms you up too:)


  1. love love love it! the second one is fantastic! i was thinking about drawing some patterns too, by the way :)

  2. Wow, it looks amazing! Are any of your patterns always be produced into fabrics?

  3. I NEED fabric in that pattern! So pretty LOVE the green and black backgrounds!!

  4. Beautiful!! Come to Brazil and inspire yourself. Our sun is great!!

  5. lovely design...nice to see a bit of springtime amongst all the snow and festivities!

  6. Hi! I like these botanical explosions. It's like a ray of light in the middle of winter!

  7. Warmth, flowers - I love it! thanks!

  8. Thank you for brightening winter for all of us:)

  9. I discover your blog today and I'm just completely amazed by your work ! Everything is soooo nice !
    I keep you address and for sure will use your gift-tags for Christmas ! Thanks so much !!

  10. ooh I love this one, the cream background bottom right my fav!

  11. I reaaaaally like the patterns and colors! Wonderful!

  12. I’ve been trying to find you for some time, looked for you on the facebook, but until now – not successfully
    The other day I typed your name – and here you are, I found you!!
    I was not 100% sure at first, but then I went to see you drawings – it’s definitely YOU!!!
    I sent you a message on facebook, but I have to make sure I reach you, so here I am…

    Лёка… как давно это было, но для меня есть люди, которые со мной на всю жизнь
    Ты как была солнышком – так по-прежнему и светишь – и такое ни с чем не сравнить и ни с чем не спутать
    Как и что ты делаешь я уже увидела - удивительные рисунки, иллюстрации – твой неповторимый почерк
    Не поверишь – у меня тоже три дочери…
    В общем, если есть у тебя желание найтись – пиши ( - for home and for work)
    На английском тоже пойму, хочешь вспомнить иврит? (I doubt it…)


  13. I'm loving the third colour combo :o)

  14. Hi! I just discover your blog and i have to tell you that i loved everything i've seen! i'm completely surrendered to your work! i have one blog but i don't update it very often, but i'm sure i'll visit you regularly 'cause i love to see beautiful things like those you do. Congratulations!

  15. Dear Helen, I wish you all the best for the new year. I love your works.
    Gaia from Italy

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