Monday, May 23, 2011

surtex trip . . .

This year the trip to Surtex was full of adventure. Bad and good. On the way there we (me, Mike and Lola) got stuck in Toronto for a whole day (due to the heavy fog). It rained almost non stop the entire time. A bottle of perfume exploded in my suitcase. I had forgotten to eat on Sunday... but did not forget to drink... which was followed by a 'fun night' ( I know you know what I mean:)... but that's the not so good part.
Here's the good part: I got to meet a bunch of people I have been loving from a distance... like Sarajo Frieden, Hsinping Pan, Lisa Congdon, The BlueQ crew... not to mention the old friends I only get to see once a year - like Mike Lowery, Suzy Ultman, Jillian Phillips, Alison Cole, Susy Pilgrim Waters and Carolyn Gavin. Phew... really, a lot of wonderful people. Plus, a surprise meeting of Lotta Jansdotter! Worth waiting all year just to meet this group of super creative fun people:)
The show itself went well. I had a chance to walk around and see what's floating in the surface design stratosphere. Some new, interesting and creative things inspired me to start painting more. I'm going to try and bring more texture and chaos into my art.
On the down note... I've noticed that the trend of copying has reached it's peak. A lot of people can't make out a difference between trend and stealing. Very sad about that. Hope it's temporary and everyone would find their own style and blossom:)
On the up note: Lilla Rogers Booth was one of the best!


  1. Fab posting! Miss you much, xxx C

  2. dear helen. it was one of the highlights of my trip to meet you too! your post is wonderful. would you write my blog post too? loved meeting your family. had my own nightmare travel story on the way home, but no exploding perfume. suppose i bought the non exploding kind--dull. xosj

  3. Ah Helen! I love the photos :)
    It goes too fast every year, I want to spend more time with everyone next time round.
    I was sorry to hear about the copying..I too have noticed it..not good. You are unique though..they will never be as fabulous as you xxx

  4. Hi Helen I follow your lovely blog but don't comment so often. It's great to see pictures of you. I agree with you that it's become harder to find originality. I guess that is one of the dangers of the visual revolution we are living and on the other hand companies and designers who are willing to loose their souls. Which reminds of the book How to be a Graphic Designer Without Loosing your Soul. By Adrian Shaughnessy.
    Sometimes is good to make a pause from the routine of daily and hectic lives and rethink where we are heading to. =) X

  5. NIce pics, this is perfect because I like to get a moment like that with a family member, I haven't had a moment like that because I'm so far away of them
