Friday, October 7, 2011

everyone loves autumn, but. . .

Many people love autumn (my father, Alexander Pushkin, my friend Rigel... almost everyone). I try to love autumn, but it's just so close to winter that it gets a bad rep by default. Although... I love it's colors (just as long as I'm looking through the window beside the heater). Naturally, I look forward to spring the second that first orange leaf hits the ground. This time I'm looking forward to it with kittens, butterflies and vibrant palette.


  1. I really love the kitten design, they are fab!

  2. Excellent kitteny goodness! I hope you and Autumn can bury the hatchet. Look it's offering a beautiful sunny weekend as a peace offering :) It's no friend to turkeys though, I'll admit.
    Have a rad Thanksgiving weekend Helen!

  3. really lovely! greetings from (Autumn)Paris!

  4. oooh, I totally love this one Helen - I'm a big fan of cats, the hairy kind and the drawn kind!

  5. love it! greeting from Mexico! meow!

  6. Your patterns, style and colours rock!

  7. I love your creatures!! really cute job!! I'll follow you!! :D

  8. lol, I just made a design the other day with little crosses too!
