Tuesday, December 6, 2011

little wolf prince and his garden . . .

A new pattern. Two colours. There's a little story in there... somewhere... about a little wolf prince and his wondrous garden:)


  1. This would make an amazing fabric... pretty please :)

  2. LOVE this. all the colors are amazing!

  3. these are really really lovely!

    p.s. glad you likey the Abner Cats book, if only it was mine!
    I got it from the library!
    Amy (stickers & stuff)

  4. These gardens are fabulous.

  5. Oh! Soooooo beautiful pattern! You are genius!!!

  6. I am a garden specialist (whatever that means) and I LOVE these. Please could they be transformed into fabric?


  7. I would love these as fabrics! I love that dark grey blue.

  8. Looove them! Your patterns look great in one single colour!

  9. these are really nice! would you held a giveaway? x)

  10. Good day! Nice photos! I enjoy them very much! Hope to see more photos soon. Pics are great! I watched them with great delight, thank you

  11. Is it possible to turn this beautiful drawing into fabric or wall paper?

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