Friday, August 9, 2013

summer roots . . .

What could be better than barbecued root vegetables... 
This delicious pattern has been brought to you by my love of summer (and eating) and my girls love of 'Master Chef' (which is their favourite show... and yes, I was surprised myself).


  1. I love these so much! The colours on the second one down are amazing. xx

  2. love it! specially the lighter background!

  3. This is gorgeous. Do you ever print your work as fabric via spoonflower or similar? This would make such a great dress :o) just found your website via etsy. I think your work is delightful

  4. I was wondering about fabric too! I need a large horizontall piece of art for my kitchen, and thought stretching fabric on a frame would be the perfect solution. Your root vegetables are amazing. I am a real fan--your work (all of it) makes me smile!
