When one can't find their ideal christmas tree star ornament - one must come up with a solution! And, than, share the solution... of course.First, I have to tell you, I did look. High and low. It's always the same gold or silver, sometimes crystal (plastic) star that just doesn't speak to me. So... I made my own, and I like it!
If you like it too - here's how to make one for your christmas tree:
You will need: vinyl/pleader in 2 colors, thread in 2 colors, scissors, needle, sewing pins, synthetic stuffing and the pattern provided above.
1. Copy the pattern onto your desktop. Print it out. Cut it out.
2. a) Trace the star you've cut out with a color pencil onto the back of the red vinyl (red pleader, fake leather). Twise - for the front and the back.
b) Trace the mouth and eyes onto the the white vinyl/pleader.
c.) Carefully cut it out.
4. Place the eyes and mouth where you need them onto one of the red vinyl stars. Pin them on with sewing pins. Using the running stitch attach with white thread.
5. Put the two red vinyl star cutouts back to back so they match. Secure them together with pins.
6. Using the running stitch and (leaving 3mm away from the edge) attach the 2 sides together. As pattern indicates, leave the space at the bottom open.
7. Push a bit of synthetic stuffing (old pillow, perhaps?) to fill out the star.
8. Trim and clean the top of your tree (3-4 inches) and put your star on.
9. Proceed with the rest of the decorations:)
I hope this makes sense.