Thursday, April 3, 2008

with love...

These are my Fathers day and Mothers day cards this year. Different from what's out there, but just my cup of coffee.


  1. i just LOVE these... they are certainly my cup of tea!

  2. Ohh..these cards really make me look a second time...and a third. So much to discover (i.e. why is there an "a" on dads breast...;) And I love the way the babies are craddled by Mom and Dad, different but yet so much alike.
    Your cards are beautiful, clever an fun...
    And Helen.... you're posting to time to apprechiate all your little findings and fun things AND it makes me feel like a snail..;)

  3. Eva, I put an A on dad instead of #1. As in you are the first letter in my alphabet so to speak. I have a lot of work now, so I'll slow down a ted with the postings. Love your comments Eva:) H.

  4. So sweet and lovely! I love these!
