Monday, August 3, 2009

Wanted to show you Mike's (my best half and a guitar maker (luthier))  latest  creation. Aint she a beauty:)? Her dark back is all buttery smooth... and I love the wonderful graphic wood texture at the front. Very pretty... and she sounds nice too:)


  1. That is a gorgeous gee-tar. Also lovely art!

  2. So lovely! I like the textures!

  3. oooo fantastic! Almost looks too nice to use!

  4. Hi, I'm Anke and a fan of your blog! :)
    I wandering about your font u use in your illustrations. Did you create it yourself, or is every letter a picture?

  5. Dear Anke:)
    The 'font' is handmade lettering. I make the lettering in illustrator.
    Thanks for all the love!

  6. Beautiful! Have you ever put your illustrations on one of his guitars?

    Oh, and by the way, regarding your Wizard of Oz painting, if you can handle a very dark take on the whole Dorothy thing, try reading 'Oz'. I can't find anything on it on the internet, but I borrowed it from Jesse, so maybe she can help. I'll see what I can find...

  7. she is a beauty! and so are your adorable illustrations!

  8. Jesse helped me. It's called 'Was' and is by Geoff Ryman.

  9. Thanks Heather... I'm off to check it out:)
    and... I'm thinking of putting something on his guitars... but I'm always so afraid to ruin it or make it too girlie ('cause I'm good at that)...
    I'll get some courage one of this days:)
