Friday, March 27, 2009

Out on April 1st!!!

Ta Da! My book (embroidery for little miss crafty) is finally coming out!!! Yeah! I'm super exited!
It's a book for those who haven't embroidered before or crafty moms with young daughters. There are 12 fun projects, all the basic info and a bunch of cute patterns! The projects are easy and fun and I know that 'cause I made up and executed all of them for this book:)
I've got a few copies... and I'll give one away (A GIVEAWAY!) to one of my lovely readers:) Just leave me a comment and I will randomly pick one on Tuesday morning.
PS.: Amazon link HERE:)


Lara Brehm said...

this seems to be such a cute book! great work! :) your illustrations in it are lovely!

Angumms said...

Oh my goodness...I love embroidery. I can't wait to see this book!

Jamie said...

What a great book!!! Awesome!!! It looks so fun!!! I looove embroidery!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Congratulations! What an excellent book. I will keep this in mind for bday prezzies.

Emma Loves Stitching said...

Congrats on such a fab book, love embroidery and think this would be ideal for teaching young children!!
Bet your over the moon to see your beautiful design work in print, well done you!

Emma :)

Lotje said...

Wow, congratulations! Looks like a fun present :)

jdavissquared said...

how fun! what a great book!

Anita said...

What a great idea for book! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!! Congratulations on its release!

I'm already thinking of several youngsters to get this for as a christmas gift!

kmel said...

No foolin'?! How cool -- I had no idea this was in the works!

Alisa said...

After spending several hours trying to find the perfect embroidered pillows, I could use this! It's so fun.

Adri Schütz said...

Hi Helen - what a beautiful book! I would love to be a winner!
xx adri

Unknown said...

my 6 year old embroidery freak would DIE... this is SO up her alley. CUTE!!

gtka3 said...

so gorgeous!

Janna Widdifield said...

I can't wait to get our my needle! Your book looks fabulous. Your illustrations bring me such joy as I look at them each day in Google Reader!

smartypants said...

Looks like a really fun book!

Melanie O said...

This book looks wonderful! My 8-year-old just told me she wants to learn to embroider this summer!

Ashley said...

I love it! What a wonderful idea! I just picked-up embroidery, and I can use all of the help I can get. Are these available at Amazon?

Jen said...

this looks wonderful and magical! i would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I just discover your art and it is beautiful! You have incredible creativity!!

MJHill said...

Wow!! Congrats on the book! I'll be sure to pick one up to add to my own collection :) Will they be on Amazon?


Beth said...

Oh, it looks adorable! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

How exciting for you! Congratulations! I can't wait to get the book, it looks great. :D

debra lynn said...

Thats adorable! Congrats!

Laura said...

Hooray! Congratulations!
what a fun book!

ren said...

first of all, congrats.

secondly, i don't embroider, so a book about learning how would be a good thing, but thirdly and most importantly, your art is quite a source of inspiration for me, so i'd love to be able to peruse it. (so basically, if i don't win, i'm buying it anyway but hey! cool!)

amy is the party said...

Oh, how fun! I already embroider but I LOVE your style. This is a craft book I need to own! Congrats!

ana lilia said...

what a coincidence! i am a crafty mom with two young daughters, one of which is just learning the basics of embroidery! i think this book would really inspire her and encourage her to keep it up! i would love to embroider some of your designs, as well! congratulations on the new book!

PaisleyJade said...

That is just amazing! Well done!

Carolyn Gavin said...

Looks like such a gorgeous book... i've always wanted to learn how to embroider properly! i think your book would help!!!

monda-loves said...

woot! It looks fab-u-lous. A can embroider a little bit, but I'd like this regardless.


Ashley Inzer said...

Love books. Love embroidery. Love your designs. This book tackles all 3!

kelly said...

your book looks just lovely

Anonymous said...

Totally cute! Sounds perfect for trying to encourage your kids to be crafty, too! I'd love for my daughter to learn to embroider. AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

A great idea for the novice and to pass this on to the next generation of crafters! Congrats and I hope it is a absolute success!

dropstitch said...

Oh, what a fun looking book! I had my class of 28 eleven year olds sewing this afternoon. Well, some of them anyway! They'd love this book... but would I be willing to share? :)

Francie Horton said...

oh my daughter and i would love this book! and if you need someone to write a review for amazon, librarything, and i'm your girl there, too. ;)

Superdumb Supervillain said...

That looks amazing! Putting it into my Amazon wishlist now.

What age do you think is appropriate to start on needlework projects with kids?

Blooming Business said...

What a great idea. It looks fabulous. Congratulations..,

Kat - Housewife Confidential said...

too cute! will be off to amazon pronto :0)

Anonymous said...

It looks so adorable!

Kasie @ ~The Art of Life~ said...

I'm a crafty Mom with youmg daughters!! And I absolutely love your art. It would be so fun to win a copy of your book. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - so exciting! What an awesome idea to embroider your illustrations. I would love to make these up for my girls. Thanks for the giveaway :-)

everydaygrace said...

How exciting! Sounds like a great book :)

Cindy said...

Oh I can't wait, perfect idea for your gorgeous illustrations. Hope we can get it in Australia.

Anonymous said...

wow, helen, congratulations!! it looks simply amazing! i can't wait to see it in person. yay!

Billy said...

Congratulations! This would make a wonderful present for my sister with her two (lovely, may I add) daughters.

read me... said...

WOW how exciting Helen! Congratulations

Pattern and Perspective said...

Awesome, Helen. You are so talented. I hope I win, since I don't know how embroider..this would be a great way to learn (fun designs, colors, etc)

s a n s k u :) said...

Once again I'm green of envy of your FUN job. :)

I'd love to win this book as I looooove embroidery. :)

Suzanne said...

Congrats on the book, it's super CUTE!
Please let us know when and where we can get it!

Dana Baker said...

I'm a pretty crafty girl, but have never tried embroidery. It's on the to-do list. Of course you know how that goes. I could definitely use a little inspiration, and your work always inspires.

christina@pmv said...

Congrats Helen! It looks so cute ... some friends of mine have started embroidering, this would make a fun gift. :-)

Anonymous said...

Please! I'd love this book!

Anonymous said...

Yippee!!!! Please please pick me!!!!

zime said...

Congrats!! I would love to be a winner! (^v^)

b. said...

oh how sweet. i have been looking for a fun embroidery book to do with my daughter! cannot wait, and april is almost here. yay. =0)

Lucy Joy said...

oooh yes please! You must be so proud, what a lovely thing to have created!

Cathryn said...

How fun! I would love a copy!

Julie Livermore said...

Congrats!! I would love this book to expand on my basic embroidery skills...and although I have boys and not girls, I think they would have fun with me!

myra said...

Your book looks awesome! Congratulations.

amreta said...

oyyay! my crafty seamstress mom would be so proud of me if i could make my own creation following the projects and patterns in your book! :-D congrats for the publication!

Emily Harris said...

Ooo this looks like such a cute book-congrats!

Tina*:) said...

Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

very cute would love to try some.

Kaycee said...

The book looks great. I just order two of your prints from Etsy and am looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Unknown said...

looks great, congratulations!

bowie style said...

i cannot sew or embroider but will def be buying your book to admire the beautiful illustrations

sarah said...

Wow, Walter Foster -- that is too cool! I'll definitely be picking this one up for the little one. Nice!

jennifer said...

OMG, how lucky are we? Congrats, and I can't wait to get my hands on a copy!

Nina Seven N7 said...

this book looks fantastic! excellent work, I'd love a copy! so creative and fun.

Nina said...

Love all of your work, love the style of your illustrations! Gorgeous book - it looks very inspiring!

Dawn D. Sokol said...

Looks incredible! I would LOVE a copy!

jenny said...

fun! sign me up for the giveaway!

Cristin Nelson said...

This is way cute. I love embroidery!

Carrie said...

Oh, how fun!! Enter me! This looks so cool. I have done a little embroidery and want to do more but don't find many designs I really like. THESE look fab!

Unknown said...

This would be perfect to use to teach my daughter. She's been wanting to learn to embroidery.


Julia said...

cute book! congratulations!!

jenni said...

My girl (and I) would love it.
Congrats on the great book.

JD said...

congrats,I'm excited for you

jdmimi at gmail dot com

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

Congrats on the wonderful book!~~~XXOO, Beth

Natascha Rosenberg said...

Wow! Congratulations for the new book! It ooks great!

Georgia Peachez said...

I would love to win anything with your fabulous designs in it! xo, suzy

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your book! I am always looking for new ideas for embroidery!

bsyb100 at gmail dot com

Lori said...

congrats! your style is amazing, and what a great way to incorporate it into our daily lives!

Ariella said...

i do not know who would like this book more me or my 9 year old daughter!!!!
it looks awesome!

jana and ariella

Fay aka Beautifullily said...

Ooh, I'd love to share this with my daughter who's following in my crafty footsteps!

Michaela said...

Ohh, congratulation for your book. I love your designs.

Many greetings...

Janet said...

Wow. Would so love to do this with my daughter. Perfect.

Natalie said...

Congratulations! The sneak peak of the book looks fantastic and totally you! Can't wait to see more.

sewfunky said...

what a beautiful book... :) I'd love a copy!

Allison said...

What a great book! This would make a lovely gift. Gorgeous colours ... as always.

bowie style said...

ive just pre-ordered it from amazon. so it will be something nice to come in the post in a few weeks time.

zofia said...

Oh this looks FABULOUS! I'd love to buy this- would inspire me to try embroidery, and it would be great to have for your pics. alone!

Jill R said...

Congratulations on having your book published!

Mariah DeMarco said...

Oh, I'd love one! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't wait to try and be crafty! Congrats!

Christy said...

Congrats on your new book! It's the cutest, craftiest thing!

candice said...

congratulations! i know just the little girl who would love this for her birthday too! (hint hint!)

caroline said...

Wow! looks great. what a lovely idea- i have 2 girls who love to help me with with crafty projects x

monicalee said...

Oh boy! fun stuff! I want to learn! pick me! ha!

Mary V. said...

I would love to have a book! I once embroidered a pair of jeans and I'd love to start embroidering with my daughter....

Callan's Sketchblog said...

as a crafter, this looks like a super cute book! What a great project, seems like you had fun!

Margaret Molinari said...

Looks like you had as much fun creating the book itself as we crafters will have making the projects inside! Great job!

Wee Gallery said...

Ooooh this is GORGEOUS!!

Sharon said...

I'd LOVE to win this book (or anything of yours that you create!)

Ann Marie DiVecchia said...

Congratulations on your new book!!! It looks beautiful (like all of your work)!!

Am crossing my fingers to be picked! :)

Heather Moore said...

Wow, that is So COOL! Congratulations and I hope you sell a million copies! Well done, Helen, you must be so proud.

Deborah said...

I would LOVE to win!! I hope LUCK comes my way because I'd really like to learn to do some crafty things for my daughter's room!

debevans at bellsouth dot net

h.winter said...

Thanks for the giveaway! It looks like such a cute book!

Giselle said...

Just stumbled upon your blog today. Love the whimsy. Definitely one for the favourites list!

simone said...

Oooh! My daughter loves to embroider! Looks awesome!

Kath said...

This is really lovely - your book would be the perfect encouragement for all first time embroiders!

Mamen said...

I've just discovered your web page and blog, what lovely works of art!! I hope your book is very sucessful and thanks for the giveaway, it is a great surprise!! Al the best from Spain!

Tiffany said...

I'm in my mid-20s and i enjoy following your blog. that's cool you have a embroidery book-i'm an embroidery pattern/ideas addict.. I'd love to win this (although no young daughters for me). :)

kathy55439 said...

what a great book love to dress up my resale shop finds....

Kristi said...

I missed the giveaway so I'll go get my own. That is adorable. What a great fun way to showcase your work (illos) and your hobby (sewing)! Inspirational!

Jacqui said...

Your book looks amazing! I am for sure going to get myself a copy.

kim said...

rats! seems i may have missed the giveaway window... but, wanted to let you know how much i love the book. planning on grabbing one for one of my niece's upcoming birthdays... she is little miss crafty, too :) congrats!

Moras Com Acucar said...

Congratulations on your book- I love it!! So many fun projects, that I can't wait to get started. My biggest problem is knowing which one to do first =) Thank you for sharing your patterns *totally awesome for those of us who are on budgets* You are 'da bomb'

Wendy said...

Is your book available in the uK?