Anais is having a birthday in a few weeks. As I was working on an invitation for her little party I thought - 'it's been a while since I've had a 'blog reader appreciation day'... So here it is! I really appreciate you guys blog-visiting me and my work and I thank you with these FREE for you birthday invitations that you can use for your little one's birthday parties:) Hope they come in handy!
Oh, and the illustrations in the circles could work well as cupcake toppers if you cut them out and tape them to toothpicks.
Just promise me you wouldn't use them commercially... OK:)
To copy:
1. Click on the image.
2. It will open in it's own window.
3. Hold Control key while clicking on the image.
4. Find it on your desktop.
5. Open in photoshop.
6. Image size... whatever square size is good for you:) (true size 6in at 300dpi) Feel free to make them smaller or larger...These would go great with colorful square envelops.