I'm sharing these with you! Feel free to use them for all your labeling needs:)
To copy: click on the image - it will open up in its own window at a high resolution (300dpi-true size). Copy that to your desktop and feel free to use:) You could make them smaller if you'd like or replace text with your own.
PS.: I'll be back 'working and blogging' on August 17th. I'm off to spend some time with my parents, my family and myself. See you soon:)
so so SO cool - thank you for sharing!
ohmygosh! i just stumbled upon your blog and i'm delighted! thank you for sharing these darling labels with us!! off to peek at your etsy shop. happy week to you!! xox...jenn
These are super-duper - thanks for sharing!
Awesome labels - THANKS! I love them!!
I love your designs. Every time I visit your blog I smile. Your creations bring smiles and joy.
Thanks for creating and sharing!
Thanks for sharing! These will be adorable on all my little guys things for school!
Those are some lucky kids!!
Thank you! I'm about to lend some books so will pop these inside the cover. YOu are so generous and I truly love you work, you have a great imagination.
These are wonderful and going back to school just got more stylish!
Thank you,
These are lovely. I wish my niece was a little older! And knew English :)
thanks again for more cute bookplates! these are just perfect for teacher's personal classroom libraries! i'll be posting on my blog w/credits and a link :)thanksthanksthanks!
thank you - these are wonderful!!
Just blogged about these fab labels. i posted your gorgeous 'sweet inspiration' print too, hope that's OK?
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