Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lite'n Up!

A little while ago I've illustrated this little humorous book by Samara Q. Klein on how to diet while maintaining your sense of humor. It's called 'Lite'n UP' and is full of motivational giggles.
I have a couple of books to give away... so, if you'd like to see the funny side of dieting.... leave me a comment. I'd randomly pick two winners on Friday morning:)


Julie Livermore said...

Cool, I love the look.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Sounds like something I should check out. Cute illos, as usual!

JULIE ♥ ADORE said...

i want a book:)))))))

Margaret Molinari said...

In the past 2 years I lost 75lbs with very few laughs involved just plain old portion control & walking, I'd love to laugh the last 10 off! I'll definately check it out!

S Gonzalez said...

Pleae pick me! I've been dying to have something that you have created!

jdavissquared said...

I'd LOVE to see the funny side of dieting...and those gorgeous illustrations!

Tom said...

Hey Helen love your work! It's been a while since I checked up on it last. I love the laughing buddha !! He looks totally undisturbed by his quadruple chin ;) Beautiful stuff as always! - Tom.

Unknown said...

i'm down :)

count me in.

AnnDeO said...

So very cute - I just finished a thesis and now need to go back to taking care of myself - just in time.

Santhy T. said...


Sarah said...

I love your blog -its so inspiring!

CMG said...

your illustrations are delightful! i would love to have this as helper to get me through the tougher times of dieting! thanks for sharing your work! Christine

Pattern and Perspective said...

How cute. My bf needs this. He was just whining about his "belly" and said he was going to start working out more. Hmmm...I think getting older is hard on him. All the aches & pains @ 41...leave him tired after a long day at work. He does need to cut the fat and junk from his could help.

Pattern and Perspective said...

I meant diet, not died. Oops.

Jenn said...

I love opening up your posts in my reader each morning- like little rays of sunshine to start the day!! Such sweet whimsy!! Thanks for sharing them with us.

The book sounds great!! I would love to win one!!


s a n s k u :) said...

Sounds like a fun book. Me, pick me. :)

Lara Brehm said...

what fun way to diet! the illustrations look great Helen, you're an illustration and pattern genius!

Toshimi said...

As always, love your illustrations! Pick me!

Margaret Martinez said...

I love your work! It is so beautiful! And I would really love to own this book as well!!

Vivien Dumpangol said...

would love to have this book! nice illustrations.

Just Me Again said...

Awesome! I would love to read it!

mel said...

I love what you do! Buddha is so cute!

Carla said...

ohh me, me...

I'm in desperate need of a funny diet :)

Dee said...

Who doesn't need some funny weightloss inspriation as opposed to the normal dry boring stuff?

mintdee @ gmail . com

Patty said...

I could definitely use some humor in the diet realm about now.

Vickie said...

Cute book. I sure could use it. Now I need to get off the computer and do some yoga.

Ashley said...

If my donuts looked that cute, I don't think that I could eat them anymore.

I am 5 months pregnant, so I know that I will have that "I've got to lose this weight" mindset in a few months to come -- so this would be an awesome "treat"!

L. jane E. said...

ooo ooo Pick Me, Pick Me! I'm all for diet giggles!

mushroommeadows said...

Oh my, this seems like a great little book!!! :)

Anna said...

I'd love to laugh at this! The design is awesome and I'd love to take a peek inside too.

Mamma Pie said...

squeal! yr stuff is so creative. I would love to win a copy!


sally said...

What a great giveaway. I could use a book that tells me how to loose weight while maintaining a healthy attitude. Especially since I'm having my third kid this summer.

PaisleyJade said...

Looks great!!

Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

I just discovered your blog this week. I love your art. Thanks for the giveaway!

Chedder Fish said...

Very nice work! I'd love to see more in the book :) Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Eeekkk! love it!
it combines a fave thing of mine and a not-so-fave thing: you work and losing weight (which i have to!) respectively =P
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The book looks really cute!

Debbie Meyer said...

Helen, I am over the moon, nutty-coo-coo about your artwork. I luvvvv it! This book looks great. The little toxic donut is so cute (no wonder we all fall for his evil powers). Add me to your give away, please. I can't think of anything better than to have a whole book of your illustrations, get in a good laugh AND lose weight all at the same time! And all this for free is even better! :)

Yolanda Robinson said...

finally- a diet I haven't tried and could actually truly enjoy! Adorable!

Robin said...

If only it was that easy, we'd all be a lot thinner and a heck of a lot happier!

h.winter said...

So cute, love the illustrations!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I could probably use this, even if it wasn't so adorable...

TheresaK said...

How kind of you!!! I would love to have anything that you have illustrated. The book sounds really cool too!!!

Shannon said...

How did I miss that you illustrated this?

veronica said...

I sooo000OOOOO000ooo want to have something illustrated by you Hellen ...pick me please, please, please, please...besides, I need to lose some weight (my mom-in-law is coming to visit us in two weeks, you know...hahaha.. Besides, my hubby looks just like I met him, 10 years ago. I definitely not !!!!



Tikimama said...

This book looks like a delight! I'd love to have one! I could really stand to lose some weight, and, well, you can never have too many laughs in your day!

Kimmie said...

Cute! I'd love to have something with your illustrations...and funny too? Perfect!


Melissa G said...

I'm always up for a good "belly" laugh...

Christy クリスティ said...

Your work is awesome! Too cute a book. :)

Carrie said...

I'm always up for more motivation! Beautiful work by the way!

The Calico Cat said...

fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

I love your blog! PS. please count me in for the giveaway :)

Suzee said...

Your illustrations always bring a smile to my face - thank you for sharing them!

Patches said...

So inspired by your illustrations and your blog! Count me in!

life without novacaine said...

I am in LOVE with the poison donut! He-he. I just love your illustrations... you rock.
Oh, BTW, please pick me for the drawing!

Cheryl said...

I would like to lose a bit of weight but moreso, I like to laugh :)

Aurora said...

I have the "Laugh" down. Now I need the "Skinny".

About said...

Looks great... am enjoying seeing your cards instore here in the UK! :D

SuBoo said...

Just discovered your blog - loving the illustrations!

Pat T said...

There's a funny side to dieting? I would love to find it. By the way love your illustrations...just found your site recently and I am hooked.

Alisa said...

I love seeing what you design, and where to buy it!

candice said...

oh i need to get skinny again! please pick me!!

rhon said...

Hope I'm not too late. Nothing ventured...

The Little Cloth Rabbit said...

I think I'm too late, but if I'm not hurrahhhh!

pauler said...

This looks amazing!!

pauler said...

I just realized I am late, too. I live in Taiwan so I always seem to be a little too late!!