It snowed the day before the big move... and it has been snowing (and occasionally raining) almost every day since. It's a true winter scene outside my window right now.The move was long and hard. I'm grateful for the tremendous help from friends and family:) Without them it would have taken another two weeks. I've pulled every muscle in my body - but it was totally worth it. The new place is silent, solid and all mine! And - there's no dangerous black mould in the walls! What a nasty surprise that turned out to be when I've moved the furniture in my ex-bedroom:( No wonder we were feeling slightly off lately... Here's to a healthier winter!
There's still lots of little things to be done (a few more boxes to unpack, a few more things to hang and clean) but It's all small potatoes compared to what went down in the past few weeks:)
+ I can't wait to fill the walls with artwork:)!
Oh... and here's my new wintery pattern inspired by the weather and the anticipation of the impending holidays:)
It's good to be back in the land of blogging and working.