Wednesday, March 16, 2011

organic spirits 2 . . .

Continuing the series. Trying to share some positive colourful energy with you...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I am IN LOVE with the color palettes =)

Melissa G said...

Such delicious little garden people.

Unknown said...

I'm smitten. You have a new fan. Your artwork makes me smile, warms my heart and I wish I could surround myself in it!

sugar said...

I love it! i love their hats and hoodies in particular the yellow ones!

Scrummy Scrapz aka Lizzie said...

You are not trying to share colour, you've done it and they are adorable images!

Unknown said...

I love it! Do you have wallpaper or fabric with your designs on it that can be purchased?

Rigel said...

i love your happy spirit peeps. really digging the purple.
Happy Patty's Day to you, Helen!

Cassandra said...

Oh how cute!!!

Amber from Amber, Dom & Baby Make 3! said...

Super cute! Your designs always brighten my day!

KTBurn said...

i made a painting as a birthday present for a friend based on your style! check it out!

-katie b

keep on rockin!

Fernanda said...

Amazing blog! said...

I saw so much useful data in this post!

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