One lil' ChristmasornamentGIVEAWAY coming right up! Made by 'yours truly' without the help of modern technology... using vinyl, needle and thread (some love, was also involved).
So... if you'd like this happy ornament to adorn your tree... leave me a comment. I will be back in the blog land on Monday to let you know who is the lucky commenter:)
Top of the morning to you all! Today I'd like to share with you this very fun piece (nativity scene) by Massimo Giacon (ALESSI)! My very own was delivered on Friday. I must say that I'm not religious by any stretch of that word, but this really amuses and delights me:) I simply love it!
On a less positive note... I fell down on Saturday while carrying a sound system up the stairs and bruised the hell out of my right hand. I'm typing with my left, and it's taking a while. So... I'm taking it easy and having a little break from work... I'm sure it will get all better in a few days:)
These cards were soooo much fun to make! One of my favorite projects so far! These 1-8 birthday cards and a 'get well soon card' were made for Woodmansterne (a UK card company). Hope the kids like them as much as I do:)
Have you ever got something for you kids that you just love way too much to let them play with it. Ok... Ok... Maybe it's just me. I got these vintage japanese vocabulary blocks (here), and like a kid, I have trouble sharing. I find it hilarious that the clown has a cigarette:) A sign that they must be from the 60th. Plus, I think the girl with the coffee is me:)
Anyway... the clock says 12:15... time to put the coffee down and get to work:)
Most of my life, so far, was spent (what I call) dangerously close to the arctic circle (excluding the 3.5 toasty years I've spent in Israel). I don't know how it happened. I wish I could just hibernate through the winter months (and wake up skinny, happy and well rested in the spring). Since that really isn't an option at the moment, the next best thing is staying warm inside and creating cheerful holiday cards:)
If you'd like to use some of these they are available here:)
I'm knee deep into my X-mass shopping, trying very hard to avoid the mall and 'angry human' interaction this year. Here are some of my "I bet they wouldn't expect these" finds:
Today my "little gang" of toys has returned home. I've made these about a year ago as sample plush. They've been visiting the Lilla RogersStudio in Boston, and a few other fun places. The girls welcomed them back like they were long last and looked for relatives. I could hear them playing downstairs as I type this post. They are in for a lot of love:)
This illustration was custom made for a lady who's leaving Paris (with her 2 adorable boys and her husband) after living there for 15 years. Good luck to the Dickerson family in their new endeavors:)!
Yesterday was one of these super days! I hosted a party for a small army of 5 years olds. They made me glad I've stopped at 3:) I'm posting a picture of what happened to the pink pony pinata. Not being a fan of that type of girlie, fluffy stuff, I secretly enjoyed watching the kids hit it with a stick with all their adorable 5 y.o. might:) I'm sinister like that:)
In the evening, to celebrate my father's 55th BIRTHDAY - my entire family went to see SPAMELOT (the musical) in NAC! It was a first for me... and I must say - I HAD A BLAST! I went to bed in an ungodly hour ... and fell into a black hole.
Needless to say, today I'm operating on sheer will power.
Here's a pattern that's built like a dream - from fragments of imagination... in other words... a whole lotta nonsense:) I really like this color combination at the moment. Grey lets the other colors have fun, while staying dominant. I had lotta fun making it:)
*Speaking of fun... went to see Guy Richie's ROCKENROLLA last night. My kind of movie! Go check it out for yourself:)
A densely packed day today. Margo turned 5! Half a decade. She got what she wished for - a unicorn hobby horse (I can't control everything:).... posing with it before her ballet practice.
I got a much needed hair cut. Feeling a pound lighter...yeah!
The living room got a new painting (pardon the flash photography... I don't know why this couldn't wait 'til the morning).
New painting to share with you today. Look at that face:) That's how I looked when I heard that Obama won yesterday! Even the pigeons were going...'ha?...'whadup with her?'
What's in the mail today? I'll tell you what's in the mail today.... my promo card! This year, I'm sharing it with 2 awesome artists: Mike Lowery and Matte Stephens.
There's a little printing glitch on my part (which really bugs me, but I'll survive) on the girls left eye.
I did this 6th Birthday card for Woodmansterne (Uk).
I'm ecstatic! Couldn't be happier today! As Canadian and a citizen of the world..... Hooray!!!
Spent all morning watching the news. First time... watching the news without the heavy heart. Wow... so that's how it feels!
Here's a little 'something something' I came up with while procrastinating my real work on Friday. making this pattern recharged my creative batteries... I'm ready for real world now.
Speaking of real world... I'm holding my breath, watching the election coverage (from my Canadian perspective). Dizzy with anticipation!