Well... what can I say... I finally got to this post:)Over a month ago the awesome fabric designer Tula Pink tagged me to spill the beans on seven randomly honest things about me.... and, this is how long I've procrastinated.... so, here it goes: • ONE - I love my girls more than life, but I'm not the patient motherly type.
• TWO - I don't know how to drive. It's been 16 years since I've turned 16 and I still don't know how to drive. That's a major missing piece of my personal independence... but I'm just too scared.
• THREE - I'm 5 feet "tall". Compact design for small space city living:)
• FOUR - I love animation and own (and have seen) every Futurama, Samurai Jack and Charlie and Lola episode (and movie) ever made ... and I'm not ashamed to tell you about this:)
• FIVE - I love dancing and would gladly cut the rug at any party... after a few drinks (of course:)
• SIX - I have 37 coffee mugs... and I want more (it's a broken switch)
• SEVEN - If I manage to live up to the age of 70 - I'm taking up pipe smocking, gin & tonic at breakfast and mural painting in the nude:) Hey.... why not?