Tuesday, January 17, 2012

see you soon . . .

Kids, passport, gravol, advil, sketchbook... I'm ready! Ready for a little family vacation. Hope the weather favours us with it's best. See you all sometime next week:)


Anonymous said...

I woul kie to say only 2 things:
have fun and relax! ^____^

My blog:

Mrs.Hopper said...

Have a great holidays and sketch a lot (if you want) :)

Hélène said...

Have a great time!
I have to wait a while before my vacation time will be there....

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time!!

Unknown said...

Good! You are always writing you need sun...let's have a wonderful holiday! I love this illustration! :)

Skinny laMinx said...

Yay for holidays! Have a fun, fun time. xxx