The weekend just flew by me:) When the weather gets warmer, time just evaporates:) It was 26° on Friday. I opened all the windows and cleaned my office and the rest of "our winter cave" (with some serious help, of-course). It's such a good feeling to know where everything is in the office! It truly defines a peace of mind.A good portion of the weekend was spent sitting outside with a cup of coffee, pretending that time is an illusion and I have nothing better to do with it:) Ahhhh.... good times:)
Also, took a lot of pictures... and a few turned out good (above).
Your work is truly lovely, inspiring and full of joy. Keep it up! :)
Whenever I look at your work, I feel such joy! I love the designs and the colors! So whimsical. I envy you your clean studio...:) Silke
gorgeous shots! looks like you have a very bright and cheerful kitchen!
i know the feeling... I'm having a bit of a trouble myself with keeping up the blog since the sun is out and it feels so good to do nothing, enjoy the good weather and see some friends!... your pictures are very neat!
it's definitely deciding to be warmer... i luv it but it's hard to work! luv the pix...
And we got snow this weekend. :( Cute pictures.
I love your work!!! You should go to spoonflower.com and make fabrics out of your repeated patterns and sell them :) I bet they would sell so fast!!! I know I would buy them for my mushroom plush creations!
That sounded like my weekend too! Soaking up the sun with a cup of coffee and watching the hours float by- bliss :)
What a cutie!
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