Saturday, June 5, 2010

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Today is the fifth day since I've quit almost everything I love (but that isn't good for me) and started on my hypoallergenic diet in order to get better. You can see, by the above images that I'm loosing my mind already:) I've never consumed so many raw vegetables in such a short period of time... and in such variety...


floozie said...

you may be going crazy, but those images are great!. They would make fantastic postcards. especially the radish girl.

Rachaeldaisy said...

You make vegetables fun!!!

Carolyn Gavin said...

I LUV THEM... i hope you're fairing the storm well!

Miss J said...

Love these images! Hang in there Helen! I'm going through a similar process right now - boy do I miss cheese. The first few weeks were HARSH, but now that I am feeling better it is all feeling more worth it. Today as I was crunching on another raw veggie I thought - hey this actually tastes good. I hope that you will feel better soon.

s a n s k u :) said...

i'm in mourning too. my cholestrol's up again so bye bye chocolate and all the other good stuff. life sucks! :)

Marián Lario said...

I really like! haha especially the first few vegetables are very nice!
The child told illustration step by step

salli s. swindell said...

thru it all you certainly haven't lost sight of your humour + tremendous creativity...keep crunching!

Starryeyes said...

I love the one with the moustache!!!!!

Renee Kurilla said...

I absolutely love when you draw on photos! What kind of camera do you have that takes such good pictures?

Anonymous said...

hee hee. that big nosed parsnip is my fave :)
you'll be on day 42 before you know it!

Eugenia Ramos Psijas said...

haha nice vegetables ! great humour!

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

hehe, they're so funny!

Anonymous said...

Love them too:) Hope it goes well. Been there too it does get easier.

leolietje said...

Lovely image!

misako mimoko said...

It looks funny and healthy!
Good luck on your new adventure :)

Christy クリスティ said...

so cute and adorable! wheee!!