I'm feeling green today, despite the pink day that's coming up tomorrow. It's been snowing, and snowing, and snowing, and snowing....AAAAAhhhhh!!!
I'm looking forward to the new green grass and wearing my new green T with cute little boston terriers! It should arrive any day now!
There are plenty of other green things I've been drooling over. The bag from Anthropologie is so great (and the rain boots are adorable as well)!
That green little wallet I found a little while ago on Etsy (gold mine for all things adorable).
Also, it's always fun checking what's cooking at REPRODEPOT. This marimekko Kaivo-green fabric makes me want to redecorate.
And, Oh, this amusing green chicken! I have no idea where or what, but I love it!
that's a great t-shirt! i used to have a boston terrier and would love another (maybe a t-shirt would fill the void till i found one)!
Yep! They make a perfect friend and look good doing it!
I love the green bag, but can't find it on their website...do you know the name of it or where i can find it?
I drooled over that Anthropologie bag, too.
Does anyone know where to find the green chicken rocker?
I've seen that rooster rocker before... but where?!!! It's just about the best thing EVER. I think the price was pretty a hefty five grand though, so I probably blocked it out. Its for the best.
I love your blog!
yeah, i wanna know more too about that rooster rocker. Looks great.
any links?
That Green Chicken comes out from Jaime Hayon, a spanish designer with a mind full of wierd funny ideas!
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